Interview with Mick Jagger
Jessica Halstrom: I'm Jessica Halstrom, and welcome to "Music Beat" on VH-1. My guest today is Mick Jagger, of the Rolling Stones. Thank you for stopping by, Mick.
Mick Jagger: It's always a pleasure to discuss myself on television.
Jessica Halstrom: Well, first of all, Mick, what's your opinion on today's music scene?
Mick Jagger: Amateurs, all of them. Ron, Keith and I were young when we started out, but we were always considered something of an antithesis of traditional boy bands of today. We rocked and we partied, and we got down to business. None of this lovey-dovey sissy crap you keep hearing today.
Jessica Halstrom: Awesome! So your songs weren't just random pop lyrics, they had deeper meaning and contained messages of public awareness.
Mick Jagger: Well, this is true, Jessica. Take, for example, our song "Paint It Black", which was a statement of rage against the Vietnam War.
Jessica Halstrom: Do you think today's pop artists would do better to sing about events like the Vietnam War?
Mick Jagger: Well.. the war's been over nearly thirty years, so today's music listeners might get confused. We just didn't want to go to war ourselves, basically.
Jessica Halstrom: Which bands have you seen the Rolling Stones competing with over the years?
Mick Jagger: Well, it all started with The Beatles, of course. After our success caused them to break up, we found ourselves competing with Aerosmith, who really gave us a run for our money in the 70's. We started to slip a little in the 80's, when Michael Jackson was still black.. but, luckily, he didn't steal the rights to any of our songs so that he could use them to sell tires and sneakers.
Jessica Halstrom: Alright. Now, this is a question you probably don't get asked a lot, but why did the Stones do a remake of "The Harlem Shuffle"?
Mick Jagger: [ silent ] I specifically requested no questions about "Harlem Shuffle".
Jessica Halstrom: I realize, Mr. Jagger, that the remake wasn't nearly as good as the original, which also isn't saying much, but I'm sure our viewers would be interested to know why you attempted it in the first place.
Mick Jagger: Every artist makes a cover song every now and then. Some work, and some don't. But, I mean, no one ever bugs Taco about his remake of "Puttin' On The Ritz", and no makes fun of David Lee Roth for redoing "California Girls" and "Just A Gigolo"!
Jessica Halstrom: Well, no one knows whatever happened to Taco, and there's just so many other things to make fun of David Lee Roth for without having to single out "California Girls".
Mick Jagger: Right, right..
Jessica Halstrom: Well, how about your cover of "Dancing In The Streets", with David Bowie?
Mick Jagger: I'm not getting into that!
Jessica Halstrom: Alright. Well, what about David Bowie?
Mick Jagger: What about him?
Jessica Halstrom: Could you tell our viewers about the time the two of you slept together?
Mick Jagger: That's off-limits, too.
Jessica Halstrom: Well, what are you prepared to talk about?
Mick Jagger: Perhaps I could offer my thoughts on the movie "AI", or the scandal involving Gary Condit?
Jessica Halstrom: May I remind you, Mick, that this is a music program? National affairs are of no interest to our viewers - this is VH-1, for God's sake.
Mick Jagger: I just don't want to discuss anything personal.
Jessica Halstrom: Okay, maybe you could try your hand at these questions.. as we all know, you sang backup on Carly Simon's 1972 hit "You're So Vain". Was that song about you?
Mick Jagger: It was actually referring to Richard Nixon lying about Watergate. Carly put me in as backup to throw music lovers off!
Jessica Halstrom: Interesting. You sang a song called "You Can't Always Get What You Want" - what was that about?
Mick Jagger: That was about a woman who refused to have sex with me. Keith's wife, I think..
Jessica Halstrom: Okay. What about the song "Sympathy For The Devil". Was that purely biblical, or was it about something more specific.
Mick Jagger: We were just being creative on that one - it's actually about Barry Manilow, who we still think is the Devil.
Jessica Halstrom: Well, that's understandable. What about your song "Angie"? Who was that about?
Mick Jagger: Oh, that was just about someone named Angie. I never bothered to ask what her last name was, otherwise I might have used it in the song.
Jessica Halstrom: Uh-huh. Well, thank you, Mick, it's been wonderful talking with you.
Mick Jagger: Thank you, Jessica.
Jessica Halstrom: Can we expect a new album from the Rolling Stones sometime soon?
Mick Jagger: Not for a while. We understand that Cyndi Lauper has a new album coming out later this summer, so we're in no condition to compete with that.
Jessica Halstrom: Okay, good enough. For everyone here at VH-1, I'm Jessica Halstrom, reminding alert viewers that if they can spot an actual music video on our channel and be the ninth caller to our corporate offices, you can win a summer prize package that includes sharing a snowball with Leo Sayer. Peace out!
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